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China and Pakistan to resume controlled bordertrade “in two phases”

China and Pakistan to resume controlled border trade “in two phases”

Chinese Government consents to continue controlled boundary exchange exercises two stages under exacting Coronavirus SOPs. In a letter to the Pakistan’s Service of Intern

China and Pakistan to resume controlled bordertrade “in two phases”
Asia,China,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Kashgar Prefecture,Tashkurgan.The Khunjerab Pass at the borders of China and Pakistan on the Karakorum Highway.

ational concerns, the Chinese Government oce in Islamabad said that the two sides have consented to permit trade of freight through a characterized activity territory at Khunjerab Pass. Travelers won’t be permitted to cross the line. Travelers will be stringently illegal to enter the line port territory.

Pakistan’s Service of International concerns had requested that the Chinese Government
resume the Khunjerab line to work with cross boundary exchange and individuals to-individuals
The Chinese Government has anyway permitted resumption of limited exchange exercises.

In the principal stage April 1 to April 30 the conveyance of exchange merchandise will be
directed in the characterized activity region at Khunjerab Pass in independent manners under
severe SOPs.
There will be no individuals to-individuals contact. On each Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the
Chinese side will dump load holders at the activity territory. On each Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, the Pakistani side will stack the compartments in the activity territory.
In the Subsequent stage May 1 to November 30, the Chinese side will direct the delivery activity
during the initial three weeks of the month as indicated by the system characterized in the
stage 1. In the fourth week, section activity for abroad compartments void holders will be led.
This will permit single direction send out load from China to Pakistan.
The Chinese Consulate has requested that the Pakistani specialists inoculate all forefront staff,
drivers, conductors at the Port and guarantee severe Covid related SOPs as characterized by
the Chinese Government.
The China-Pakistan line stays shut from December 1 till Walk 31 according to line
understanding. The boundary was shut for an uncertain time because of Covid pandemic. The
line was opened for half a month in July 2020 to work with the transportation of abandoned
holders and later in September to move clinical material skilled by Chinese government to GB to
manage Coronavirus and in December to move the hardware for a force to be reckoned with in

Hunza Times
Hunza Timeshttp://hunzatimes.com
The author is a dedicated journalist with a deep focus on Gilgit-Baltistan, particularly Hunza. Passionate about amplifying the voices of mountain communities on a global stage, the author strives to bring authentic and truthful news about the region. Through active social engagement, the author works to boost arts, culture, and heritage, ensuring that the rich traditions of Hunza are preserved and celebrated. Beyond journalism, the author is also a skilled needle and thread artist and an artisan from Gilgit-Baltistan. With a firm commitment to promoting, preserving, and reviving the cultural heritage of the region, the author uses artistic expression as a means of storytelling and cultural diplomacy. By showcasing the arts, culture, and heritage of Hunza and Gilgit-Baltistan to the world, the author aims to reshape the global perception of the region and present its true essence. For the author, arts, culture, and heritage are more than just traditions—they are a passport to the world, a universal language that fosters understanding and builds bridges between nations. In an era where conflicts and divisions are prevalent, the author firmly believes that culture has the power to bring people together. Through artistic and cultural exchange, the author envisions a world where differences are celebrated, and humanity finds common ground in shared traditions and creativity.


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